Greenwood EMS
Thank you for visiting our site and more importantly, thank you for your support. You will find a brief explaination of the subscription service and well as some FAQs involving billing below. There is a link to the full letter that explains the subscription service at the bottom of the page.
At this time, we have a fully staffed ambulance in our station that is ready to handle your emergency 24 hours a day. Our personnel are state and nationally licensed, as well as trained for fire & rescue activities in the event they are needed. We pride ourselves with having some of the most skilled providers in our area who have countless hours of training and expertise in numerous areas to better serve you.
This is all possible thanks to your support as well as local, county and state grants & aid that ensure public safety is always the first priority. We are fortunate to serve this community and appreciate your support as well as your trust.
Ambulance Subscription
The 2024-2025 Ambulance Subscription/Fund Drive packet is currently being mailed out to our community. An full explaination of the subscription is attached in the file at the bottom of the page. Please take a moment to read over the document. The subscription covers the time period from 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2025. Please be sure to fill out the back of the information card completely as well as correct any name or address changes on the front. We have received numerous cards in past years with little to no information on them, making it difficult to document the names included on the subscription.
If you don't wish to utilize the mail or want to save a stamp, please feel free to stop by and drop off the envelope at the station. If no one is in the station, you are more than welcome to drop it in our secured mailbox on the front pad.
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to reach out. Contact Dale Brown at the station (302-349-4529) or email
Billing FAQs
- I received correspondence from the billing company, now what?
Normally our billing company will send out a preliminary document to confirm or request your insurance information prior to sending an actual bill. You can call the number provided on the letter or go online and submit the information at the link they provide.
- I am a current subscriber and received a bill after insurance paid their portion:
Call the 800 number listed on the bill and advise them of your subscription status. They will confirm your information with us and eliminate the bill. It's not very frequent, but this does occasionally happen and can be easily taken care of.
- The address from the billing company is a South Carolina address?
That is not a typo. Our billing company's headquarters is located in South Carolina (in Greenwood ironically enough).
Billing Company Info: